Cheatham County, TN, continues to grow at a steady pace of just below 1% YOY the past 3 years. This has put pressure on the county jail which is suffering from staff turnover who prefer a path of lesser resistance. The collective fight from earlier this year is evidence of the growing issue.

This cause the local commission to implement a property tax increase of 6%, all of which is to be slated for a new jail and increased resources at the current jail. The projections are to allocate $1.1M to the new jail, which is 70.3% of the total additional revenue generated by the tax increase.

Median home price continues to creep up in the 4% range each year. This growth doesn’t quite compare to nearby counties Davidson and Williamson whom have had a rocket launch of appreciation since approximately 2013.

Cheatham struggles to have strong infrastructure as many properties that aren’t far from city centers do not have a city sewer. The building and codes department is somewhat favorable to development but not nearly as aggressive as counties like Davidson.